Expressive Arts Training
Expressive Art Coaching Training Certification
Join our NEW 2025 Expressive Arts 10-Month Training Program!
Begins: March, 2025
Registration: Begins Nov. 2024
This is a ten-month training program in the use of expressive arts in various venues and with different populations. This training program is an experientially based program. We will be exploring different theoretical models as well as practical applications of expressive arts in different fields of work.
This program is designed for participants to gain both professional and personal growth. It is ideal for therapists, coaches, teachers, and healers, who are looking for a multi-modal, non-verbal approach to enhance their practice.
This program is a Hybrid Program that allows our students to take this training either online via Zoom or In-Person at our Studio in Carlsbad, CA. Please email us with any questions you may have about the training or its applications.
This Certificate is a combination of Mindfulness Practices woven into the Expressive Arts Training to provide you with the tools necessary to confidently work with clients. You learn how to be fully present for them and provide them with training based in personal empowerment and wellness.
Expressive Arts Therapy is a multi-modal approach to healing, self-actualization, social healing, and collaboration.
It incorporates a combination of Art, Music, Dance/Movement, Creative Writing to help in a multitude of areas, personally, socially, and globally.
In my Expressive Arts Training, I also combine SandTray World Play Coaching and MARI (Mandala Assessment Research Inventory) training.
Each weekend will be a balanced combination of didactic information combined with experiential exercises designed to put into practice the information for that module. Exercises will revolve around how the arts create healing for the body, mind, emotions, and Soul. Additionally, we will look at how the arts can be used with various populations in different venues.
Weekends will be held BOTH online and in Carlsbad CA.
At the Live Your Art Studio on Saturdays and Sundays 9-5 PM. We will meet one weekend per month for 10 months.
Expressive Art Facilitation Training Certification
Begins: March 2025
Cost: $3,900.00
Deposit: $300.00
Click the button below to submit your deposit and reserve your seat now!
Training Overview
Weekend One:
Mar. ~ Creativity & the Body Mind/ Mindfulness in Expressive Arts
- Creativity and the Brain
- The Creative Process
- Mindfulness
- Embodiment
- Trauma & Expressive Arts
Weekend Two:
Apr. ~ Visual Arts and the Multi-Modal approach
- Color Theory
- Language of Image
- Symbols
- Archetypes
Weekend Three:
May ~ Music Therapy, Sound Healing as a Multi-Modal approach
- Music: Lyrics Analysis, Musical Games
- VocalToning
- Music and Art (Paint to Music)
- Sound & Frequency for Healing
Weekend Four:
Jun ~ Dance/Movement as a Multi-Modal Approach
- Dance / Movement Theories & Practice
- Chakra Art & Dance
- Authentic Movement
- Body Poses & Postures for Healing & Empowerment
Weekend Five:
Jul ~ Creative Writing and Expressive Arts, Hero’s Journey
- Fairytale, Myth, Archetypes
- Hero’s Journey
- Poetry & Journaling
- Creative Writing
Weekend Six:
Aug ~ Mandala Assessment Research Inventory (MARI)
- We will explore the MARI as a therapeutic tool, which is the use of symbols and color and mandalas for self-discovery and healing
Weekend Seven:
Sep. ~ Sandtray therapy and Expressive Arts
- We will learn about and experience the art of Sandtray Therapy and Expressive Arts Therapy
Weekend Eight:
Oct ~ 3 Dimensional Art, Doll Making, Weaving for Wellness
- Weaving techniques for wellness
- Healing doll Making
- Matchbox Monsters
- Prayer (Affirmation) Sticks
Weekend Nine:
Nov ~ Professional Development, Marketing, Social Media
- Legal & Ethical
- Business Cards, Brochures,
- Expressive Arts Philosophy,
- Social Media & Advertising (FB, LinkedIn, Instagram)
- Finding your own Expressive Arts Identity and Ideal Population
- IEATA, REAT & REACE (Professional Affiliation)
Weekend Ten:
Dec ~ Creative Writing and Expressive Arts, Hero’s Journey
- Student are asked to prepare a 1.5 hr. presentation to facilitate the group in to gain valuable experience in the art of Group Facilitation
Additionally, woven throughout the weekends we will also discuss:
Transpersonal Expressive Arts
- Spirituality & Expressive Arts
- Chakra Art & Dance
- Mindfulness Meditation and Expressive Arts
- Somatic Therapy & Expressive Arts
Working with Different Populations
- Special Populations (Homelessness, Eating Disorders, Anx & Dep,)
- Children & Adolescents
- Wellness Populations
- Group Dynamics, Creative Corporate & Employee Enrichment
- Schools, Communities
In this training we create a very safe creative environment where participants can learn and delve deep into the process. You will learn how to work with a variety of populations and different venues. You will also learn how the art work in helping work in trauma and pain. You will be able to use the arts for teaching, communication skills, creative problem solving, collaboration and team building. The applications are vast. We offer CEUs for licensed professionals in the state of CA.
Expressive Art Facilitation Training Certification
Begins: March 16, 2024
Cost: $3900.00
Deposit: $300.00
Click the button below to submit your deposit and reserve your seat now!
Carla Bittencourt, M.A. | 619-408-4413 |